i have a crazy week planned. loads of family coming in, bon jovi concert, dinner with the father-in-law.....ill need some major sleep over the next couple days. i had a long time friend from back in ND here friday and spent a great night with her on the strip. we curled up on a couch at the bar and chatted for hours. it was the perfect night...
i also had an email from my first potholder swap partner Jamie....she is just the coolest! she is sending me a goodie box this week. a fun new craft project WOOHOO
have a great week everyone!!!
Now that is alot of siggies....what an accomplishment!!
congrats on meeting your deadline! Bon Jovi - you go girl! I saw INXS at an Olympic medal celebration ceremony last week, which was awesome - just like 1988 all over again. My 11 year old asked me why their name was "in extra small?" hehe.
Congrats on all those squares! That is a lot of work. I just stumbled across your blog. I'm a Vegas resident too!
Bon Jovi! How cool is that?!? That will be fun for sure! Thanks for that little link you posted! I hope you get the surprise soon! It's on the way.
That is a lot of siggies!
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