ahhh....i love football season. unlike many wives i enjoy a good game. my house is weird. 4 of us and 4 favorite teams. it does make it a little exciting. I am of course of vikings fan....being from fargo ND which is on the border on MN. I truly am praying favre can take us to a super bowl. its been far too long.
man he looks good in purple. he is my age so its funny to hear the sports guys all commenting how old he is. but i think even after all of these years, he will still be able to pull off a great season and kick some BUTT!
ive had a busy day for football opener. i went to the grocery store early and discovered how fun it is cuz its all men buying football food. makes it entertaining to see them all mill around, lost, just grabbing anything that looks edible. i came home, baked 2 quiches (which i should give the recipe for), made hashbrowns, made my moms yummy mexican dip for a snack later. then got some lasagne sauce rolling and just put that in the oven. all of this while watching football. why do men have to sit on the couch to get a game in? women----we can watch and hoot and holler from the kitchen sink!
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