what have i been doing all summer? LOTS
i feel so bad ive been absent on blogging....ive barely ready any of my fav blogs....i havent even been keeping up with moda bakeshop for goodness sakes!!!

this was a pic from my tweens 5th grade graduation. his school puts on a big spread for them and did great things ALL year long! field trips, plays, dances, graduations. Its hard to imagine my baby is going to jr high...or middle school as they call it now. (makes me feel old)
my teen is going to be a senior....so there goes another busy school year!!!
im hoping once we get back into school and routines ill have more blogging/sewing time.
i also realized this summer that i hate doing crafty things in the heat. weird huh?
this friday is our Friday Night Sew-In....so if you havent signed up yet click
here for a link to heidi's blog. im going to MAKE myself relax friday night and sew something. LOL
see you then!