ill be back soon..........
Friday, June 25, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Fathers Day
Since they were little, he has always taken them under his wing. Been a dad, a friend, a buddy, a pal. He has a special bond with both the boys....each in their own way. My youngest is his oldest looks up to his dad now in a "grown man" kind of way. He wants to follow in his dads footsteps in life....What a compliment!!!
My husband is an avid golfer, and a pretty good one too. We are all hoping the day comes that he can get on that pro circuit.....then i can travel the country with him and shop hop! LOL
He played in a golf tournament yesterday and wore this "costume". But to him.....its his heritage. His family has the Scottish pride and would probably dress like this everyday if they wouldn't get arrested.
So to you, Tony, happy fathers day. keep up the good work because our boys are turning into quite the honorable young men.......
Friday Night Sew-In winners!!!
in honor of my pinwheel quilt im working all get a BLUSH charm pack, a blush pin cushion (handmade by me) and a new tool i had to have for my sewing box. (cuz we all love our sewing gadgets right?)
the lucky winners are:
#110 ERIN at
#4 CARA at
send me an email at with your mailing info and the packages will be on their way.
see you all in july!!! (date is yet to be announced)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
FNSI results June
check back tomorrow for the winners!
ps....hop over to heidis blog. she is packing up her sewing room and giving away fabs!!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
i heart fridays
have fun, sew/create lots of fun things, and be sure to blog about them tomorrow for the giveaway!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
my little man decided we needed a serious here he is and all his cuteness.
he said "mom, the other day i told the girls in my class i was hot....both ways". he is my class clown but a really good student. just loves to make people laugh. its what makes him happy. he is most definitely related to me.
dont forget about the FRIDAY NIGHT SEW-IN this coming friday, the 18th. click HERE for sign ups and remember, 2 giveaways like usual.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
blocks and buzz
this block didnt turn out that great, im hoping once its sewn in the quilt my crooked lines will hide themselves.
is everyone ready for TOY STORY 3? this guy is :)
(elvis my 2 y/o lab loves his stuff animals from kohls.)
my son and i are watching the 1st and 2nd movies tonight on disney. i love the adult humor!
hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. we have had the weirdest temps in vegas this week. we went from 110 last weekend to 75 today. how sweet is that?
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
keeping "cool"

what do you do when the HOT DESERT shows its ugly face fast???
ya get wet
ya stay coool
ya swim underwater with your sunglasses on (thats my cute little guy with my big shades on)
i get to "puppy" sit for my parents this weekend.....where this lovely blue pool resides.
im bringing my sewing machine, some fabrics, my suit, my latest reading material (a sherryl woods romance novel) and ill be hiding from the world for 4 fun filled days.
im leaving my laundry and housework home with the hubby :)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Pinwheel sampler....and the owls.
a big THANKS to my swap partner for potholder pass 3.
im FINALLY starting the pinwheel sampler, while most of you are finishing it. watching all the post's with the final outcomes finally got to me. one of my fav bloggers to read (you know who you are Rene at Luv2Kreate) started hers in the same line i had bought, BLUSH, and that was the final kick in the pants. I had to here we go.
on my first block, i had a fabric snaffoo because the directions on the 1st block dont tell you that you need a little more than 1 layer cake for one of the then after spending all afternoon trying to sort my fabs/colors, i had to do a little switch-a-roo. but it turned out "ok". definitely NOT my fav block...but when youve only made 1 does it have to be? LOL
here is my pile of instructions and fabrics. its very exciting to start a project like this when the outcome is so beautiful!
I cant believe how many of you have already signed up for Junes FNSI. dont you just love that extra "push" to sew. i like knowing im sewing with a great group of people at the same time.....minus the time zones, equators etc. one lady said she might sew all THATS an idea!!! (if only i didnt have to work---bummer)
I know what ill be working on that night.....pinwheels baby!
Friday Night Sew-In signups for June
As stated before, Heidi will be moving, so I get to host this one solo. BUT i will still be doing 2 giveaways!!! Hopefully this is a good date for everyone.
If you are new to the FNSI - here is how it works.
1. Enter your blog info below. **If you don't have a blog - you can enter the Flickr group link as your URL.
2. Make a post on your blog - letting all your readers know about the sew-in. Spread the word.. we could all use the virtual sewing support and encouragement.
3. On Friday – 6/18/10 - Get your house settled, put on your comfy jammies.. maybe make a cup of tea.. and sit down to work on some of those projects (or anything else that you want to work on.. maybe you want to knit.. or catch up on scrapbooking).
4. Then, sometime on Saturday - Make a post about what you worked on.. show us a picture or two on Flickr. And finally - on Sunday 6/20, i will enter all participants into a GIVEAWAY for something fun! Maybe some fabric.. or a sewing gadget or two.
I hope everyone is having a nice summer!!! GOOD LUCK HEIDI with your move! See you in July!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
potholders 3
she should be getting these soon.....