I had a fun filled weekend in phoenix with my cousin! Even tho it was 104! thank goodness for pools!
The pic above is my newest challenge, a bag with a zipper!!! We had never done one before---and decided to tackle it. The class was SOOO reasonable....we just couldnt pass it up. After almost a year of making bags it was time. ahhh....it felt good too. I love these amy butler fabs. its also my first time using butler (i think). I also learned how to make these fun corn bags. You can heat them or cool them in the freezer. Im totally addicted to the frozen ones. This is for my sons teacher for appreciation week and dang its C-U-T-E!

I also have decided to make a bunch for my son when he starts football training soon. Its 2 weeks of hell in may, then august is FULL ON hell for another 2 weeks. hopefully these will help with his leg cramps. I told AJ tonite about my plan---he says "mom, you should make a bunch and sell them to the guys at school. 50bucks....25 to make and 25 to feel gooooodddd!" hilarious!
Anyhoo......its so much fun being crafty. its gotta be the best hobby for a working mom. Its a nice outlet from a hectic day or kids being cantankerus (sp). You can dive into your sewing and lose a few hours....gain back some mental happiness. what can i say....its some pretty expensive therapy!
I cant wait to start making my xmas list and start working on gifts. ive got a few ideas under my belt, and what a better way to say I LOVE YA than a homemade gift.
To all the moms out there---HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!
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