i also decided tonight i needed some fabric therapy. i already had some "make life" line by sweetwater/moda....but was waiting for the yardage. i already have a quilt design in mind and am doing some fabric laying out tonight. its so hard to plan and arrange fabrics. when picking out patterns, colors, schemes i tend to waste a lot of time. does anyone else have an over analyzing problem?
It isn't wasted time. It is creating time--like with babies, ideas take time to develop.
You'll be glad that you spent the time analyzing because if you get it together and you don't like it...you'll wish you'd spent the time. At least this is what I tell myself to justify the same problem :)
Gorgeous potholder.
I have a similar problem...sometimes I'm afraid to cut the beautiful fabric. I get it in my mind that I'll mess up somehow and then I'll have ruin the fabric for the project. I make myself think ....what's the worse thing that can happen if I mess up...I'm out a little money and learned something new! So I cut and cut and cut!!!
I just LOVE that potholder. When do you and Heidi do your other obligations? You both are so creative. Do you sleep???
Bobbi, you are always so inspirational. I love that pot holder too.
Happy Easter
Love the pot holder...your grandma lives on in you.....
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