this is probably one of the cutest pictures
ive taken....he is mid-air and smiling at the camera. my tween and i had a GREAT day!!! we did lots of swimming and relaxing. then he went home with daddy, i did laundry, cleaned up the backyard, picked up the house and managed to make one of these.....

I needed a new "cord" bag for work. u can find my tutorial
here. i carry it everyday with my junk in it.
ipod, phone charger, snacks, my little notebook for when i get crafting ideas. you know, the usual
girly stuff.

the inside was this CUTE fabric i found with black, white and a little gray in it. just
toooo much fun.

my little man decided we needed a serious pose.....so here he is and all his cuteness.
he said "mom, the other day i told the girls in my class i was hot....both ways". he is my class clown but a really good student. just loves to make people laugh. its what makes him happy. he is most
definitely related to me.
dont forget about the FRIDAY NIGHT SEW-IN this coming friday, the 18th. click
HERE for sign ups and remember, 2 giveaways like usual.
He is a cutie - reminds me a little of my son!
Cute bag, Bobbi! And a great picture of your son! It looks like fun!
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