here are the potholders i made for her. she said i matched her kitchen perfectly, coffee cups and all. its my fav line ive used ALOT. BISTRO by MODA. I made them using duckcloth which I copied that design from a sweetwater project.
I cant wait for my next potholder swap.....but i wish i could get Jamie again. I know we will definitely become great blogging/crafting friends from this. so to you Jamie....a BIG OL THANK YOU and HIGH FIVE!!!
I love them. And how funny that you both did a diamond pattern.
Can't wait for potholder pass 2!!!
And A big high five right back at ya! The potholders that you made for me are the best! I'm so glad that you like the owls! It has been great getting to know you through the potholder pass swap. So glad that we were partners! I can't wait to sew with you on Friday for the Sew In! You rock!
Love the pot holders!!!
I just want to tell you how much Granny loved her pin cushion! I love mine too. My mom is finding out about hers tonight! She will just love it! Thank you so much. I did a post about them. They are gorgeous.
The potholders are gorgeous! You and Jamie both are great at making them! Thanks for the sweet pincushions you made for Valerie, Granny and me! I love it!
That's it, you're a gone'r now....once you get that first cute owl object, you're lost for will see owls everywhere Such cute potholders....wish they were mine....I love owls too. Hugs Naomi
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