Sunday, January 10, 2010

99th post GIVEAWAY!!!

***giveaway is officially closed. thanks for stopping by.

I decided to do my giveaway on 99....because the winner can be my 100th post (if i dont blog before then). are my items I am proud to give away.

First Prize:
The Chocolate Corduroy Bag I made for my tutorial, a Simple Abundance charm pack by Moda and a cute pin cushion made by ME!

Second Prize: A schnibbles pattern and a cute pin cushion made by ME!

Here are the rules:

1. one entry for commenting on this post

2. 2 entries for commenting on this post AND becoming a follower

3. 3 entries for commenting on this post, becoming a follower AND blogging about my giveaway!

I will close the giveaway thursday and do the drawing. GOOD LUCK and thanks for stopping by!!!


Heidi said...

WOW!! Those are fantastic prizes girl!

I still remember when we were sitting around talking about starting our own blogs. I'm so glad we did it.

Congrats on the 99th post. Love you girl!

Crystal Hendrix said...

Your so good for doing a give away! I have been waiting for the Sew Mama Sew one! But just maybe I will do one!

I have just now followed your blog! And I was checking out your bag tutorial. I really like it. But what I like is your colors, so I will need to make one like that. I love poka dots!

collettakay said...

Wonderfully generous giveaway!

I am now follower.


Luv 2 Kreate said...

Congrats on the 99th post

Love the bag...I was admiring the tutorial earlier :)

Great give away!

I subscribe to your posts via google reader does that count as following???

Now off to post about your give away :)

Lisa at Sun Naturals said...

Very nice giveaway! I already follow, and I just posted about it on my blog :-)

Have a great week...

Lisa in New England

Jocelyn said...

Congratulations on your 99th post! What a great giveaway. Very sweet and very generous. Thanks for entering me.

Jocelyn said...

And now I am a follower! BTW Heidi sent me over :-)

Shaina said...

ooh la la!! Love the corduroy bag!! Congrats on 99posts!

Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

Great give away Bobbi! :)

Coloradolady said...

fantastic giveaway....crossing my fingers!!! I am following too!!

Holly Days Closet said...

WOW that bag is so cute even if I don't win I'll just make one.

Holly Days Closet said...

I just became a follower I'm liking your blog

SheilaC said...

Great give away, thank you!!

I love the tutorial for the bag.....


SheilaC said...

New follower!


Judy C said...

Cute bag, nice tutorial, and yes I am a new follower.

arlette said...

I'd love to be entered, please count me in, I'm already your follower!!!

Diane said...

I love the bag! I am a follower, thanks for the chance to win!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Congratulations on your 99th post!
I'm a follower!

Val said...

I had you on my blog list but wasn't a follower until now. I LOVE that bag! I would love to be in your give away. I will annouce your give away on my sidebar with a link back to you.

Crystal Hendrix said...

I have posted an entry on my blog.

I am excited to keep an eye on your blog! I have added you to my list of blogs

KatesBlog said...

Thanks Bobbi for allowing us to share in your celebration by giving away such nice prizes. I am a new follower of your blog (Heidi sent me) and I have posted your giveaway on my blog.

Alice Grace said...

What a great giveaway! I have become a follower and will post the giveaway on my sidebar. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

Bev C said...

Hello Bobbi,congratulations on 99 posts. Love the tutorial for the bag,thanks. Happy days.

Thearica said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win such lovely prizes! I will blog about your give away and hopefully send you lots of new followers! I will add myself as a follower too!

quiltmom anna said...

HI Bobbi,
Congratulations on your 99th post- that is quite an accomplishment. Heidi connected me to your blog-It is always nice to meet other quilters.
You can find me at
Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

Manders said...

Wow I want to win SO bag (ha ha I mean bad!) I am now a follower and I put a blurb on my blog about your give away...

Nat Palaskas said...

Hi Bobbi, thanks for the great giveaway. I signed-in as your follower and will post about it on my next post. Thanks also for hosting the Friday Night Sew-in which I took part and post the logo on my side bar. Looking forward to Friday - Hugs Nat

The Nikkels said...

Loving your goodies....

Carol said...

Very cute little tote bag and such great prizes. Congrats on your 100th post coming up.

Krystal said...

I did all three~

and blog!!!

The bag is totally cute!!!

All the stuff is totally cute!

Pat said...

Hi Bobbi! I'am a new follower, and found out about your blog on Luv2Kreate's blog. I really love the quilt you show on the front of your blog. The greena and black fabric work nicely together. I'am impressed by the totebag you made and the pincushions. Such nice work, and such nice prizes, Bobbi. I will carry your give-a-way on my blog, dear. I'am happy to be a follower of your blog.

Unknown said...

Hi Bobbi I have become a follower....I love the tote and the yummy brown is delicious...Very cute pincushions..thanks for the chance.

kimland said...

99, that's a lot. Congrats! I am a rookie in blog land. Great giveaway...thank you! I also became a follower.

Moosters said...

I just became a follower! Congratulations on your 99th post. BTW, I LOVE the quilt at the top of your blog!

bingo~bonnie said...

I found out about your giveaway from "Pigtales and Quilts" and will sign up to follow so I can get a few extra entries :)

Love the lime green with the black/white quilt in your header - very cute!

Congrats on soon to be 100 posts! Love from Texas! ~bonnie

Anonymous said...

Really cute bag. I would love to win the bag because I have never had a handmade bag before. And of course chocolate is my favorite food.


Debbie said...

Congratulations, Bobbi, on reaching almost 100 posts! Would love to have ANY of those gifts. Thanks for counting me in.

Debbie said...

I am now a follower!

sharon said...

Congratulations on the soon to be 100th post! This is a great giveaway, love the bag that you made, & that's a great tutorial on making one. Thanks Sharon.

sharon said...

I have also become a loyal follower, thanks.Sharon.

Debbie said...

I just posted about your giveaway on my blog post of today.

Tammy said...

hey bobbi.., I love your creations... hope I win! love ya! cuz'n tammy

Jane said...

Congratulations on your 99th post, hope there are plenty more. This is a wonderful giveaway

Sue said...

Great bag with oooooohhhh so cute lining! I've been making bags this past year and posting tutorials on my blog. (More to come) I'd love one that someone ELSE made! I'm following and I'll post about your giveaway on my blog. Thanks for the chances!


Kim said...

The bag is beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity to win one.

Anita said...

Yay! This is my first visit to your blog and I will be visiting again. I love the bag, I would be proud to own that one!! Kind regards, Anita.

Maria said...

Congratulations Bobbi on your 99th. I have been a follower for awhile now and see you have a lot more now. On Ya Bobbi!!!!!!

Love all your beautiful giveaways.

M. Regina said...

Congrats on the 99th post.

M. Regina said...

I am already a follower.

M. Regina said...

Love all your beautiful giveaways.I just posted about your giveaway on my blog. Hugs from Brasil.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. Congrats on the posts. Your giveaway is wonderful, please enter me in your drawing.


Dolores said...

Congratulations on your momentous posting. I love the bag and the little pincushion.

Barb said...

Congratulations on 100 posts--almost! I love your giveaway! I absolutely love Schnibbles patterns and have been looking for that one! Thanks for the chance to win!

Barb said...

I am now a follower! Thank you--stop by and visit me sometime too!

Barb said...

I have now blogged about your giveaway on my blog and linked back to you--I guess I am really trying to win! Thanks!

SewCalGal said...

Happy 99th post. And what a delightful way to celebrate with a giveaway!


SewCalGal said...

I posted about your giveaway on my site where I share insights on contests & giveaways:


Suburban Stitcher said...

Great giveaway! Love everything!

SewCalGal said...

I'm now a very excited follower who promises to try not to stalk!


Suburban Stitcher said...

Just became a follower!

lisa said...

I am commenting, and I am clicking to follow. I don't think I will get to bloging about it, but I will let you know if that changes

Doina said...

Great giveaway! I have become a follower and will post the giveaway on my sidebar.

Patty said...

Congratulations on your 99th post. Your pin cushions are so cute.

Bquiltin said...

I'm getting tooo addicted to good quiltin blogs...... my name says it though.. bquiltin

have a great day as I follow up soon

Poppyprint said...

Bobbi, congratulations on your 99th post and lovely giveaway! I'm (1) commenting, (2) following. Thanks! BTW, great tutorial on the corduroy bag. Did you receive your fall quilt yet? I am waiting, waiting, waiting and getting excited for mine.

Lesly said...

Great giveaway - thanks for the chance!

Mary said...

#1- Hi Bobbi. Congrats on arriving on your
99th blog post! I would be honored to win
this fab prize.
#2- I will become a follower.
#3- I will blog about your
wonderful give-away.
Thank you for sharing your creative ideas.

bettyp said...

Hi from Louisiana!! I am one of your new followers!!

Barb said...

I am now a follower, love what you are giving in your giveaway so please count me in. We have US shipping rates to American Samoa.

I will also blog about this. Thanks so much!!

Meka said...

Oh my goodness I love your blog! I live in Vegas too! Count me in on this awesome giveaway!

Meka said...

I am now a follower!

free indeed said...

Great giveaway! Both prizes are tops! I'm into making totes/purses for my college aged girls, so am glad to have your tute for inspiration.

free indeed said...

I became a follower as well!

EmileeHope said...

Fun!! I love giveaways!!! Please put me down for 3 entries. I became a follower and posted a note about your giveaway on my blog. You can check it out here:

Congrats on reaching your 99th post and thanks for the chance at winning some great prizes!!

Sheila said...

Great give away ,those items would sure come in handy .Congrats on your 99th.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 99 to 100th post and a lovely giveaway

ps: tried before and had some difficulties to post my comment. I am sorry if it is a duplicate

Rosa Robichaud said...

WOW!!! BOTH items I would LOVE to receive, actually...

How generous of you... *grin*

Pls enter my name in your contest.

Rosa Robichaud

Michelle said...

What a lovely bag! I would love to win it. Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

Congrats on your 99th post!

paulette said...

I love your awesome give away!! Please throw my name into your give away hat!! Thank you!

Angie said...

My friend Michelle & I just created a blog/website about our adventures in quilting called:
99 posts is an amazing accomplishment and we can only dream of one day reaching that goal. Congrats!

Angie said...

Yeah, it's official I'm a Follower!

Anonymous said...

Just found your Blog-so neat!
Thanks for a wonderful Giveaway!
Congrats on 99!
Love, Linda

PaTcHwOrK jEnN said...

Congrats on your 99th post. What a great giveaway!

Carlotta said...

What a lovely giveaway, please count me in. I am now a follower and have blogged about it.


PaTcHwOrK jEnN said...

I am now a follower.

carmel said...

i miss vegas! i used to live there!
but now i live far far away... on the other side of the world...
congrats on your 99th post and have fun on the next ones

carmel said...

and i am now your follower

carmel said...

and i blogged about it- yey!

I Purr-Furr to Craft said...

count me in! i have blogged about it and become a follower.

Carrie said...

beautiful bag! congrats on 99 posts and I hope I win! I am signing up to follow also! :)

Anya said...

Congratulations and thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Great giveaway! would you please enter me! I am also doing a giveaway over on my blog!

Dandelion Quilts said...

Congrats on your nearly 100th post. I really think that bag is cute, thanks for the tutorial. Also, I love the quilt on your banner. said...

Yippy Almost to the BIG 100!! Yippy! Thanks for doing this giveaway!!

Diane said...

Congrats on your 99ths post! I become a follower. I already had you on my visit list from the siggy swap!

Chris said...

Yahoo! Congrats on 99 posts... I am also now an "official" follower... I was following you before just on google reader, but now I am showing my face on yer blog...

Kaye said...

Congratulations! almost 100 posts and almost 100 comments. Love the bag, am going to try it, especially in the corduroy. Please enter me in your give-a-way and I have become a follower.

Brooke said...

Wa-hoo! This is a good one! Thanks for the entry! Love the colors.

Susie said...

What a great giveaway! I wanna be the 100th post! LOL!

Susie said...

Oh! And I'm a follower now as well!

NickiLee said...

Congratulations on #99 and soon to be #100! I have to tell you I absoltuely love your quilt featured on your banner!!! I'll have to follow you now just to see what fun things you are up to.

Lissa Jane said...

what a gorgeous giveaway! I am a sucker for totes and pincushions though.. You can't have too many pincushion can you??? or totes?? or fabric?? or chocolate???


Kriza said...

lovely give away! I hope I'll win it :-)
congrats on your 99th post!

Anonymous said...

I love that bag !!! Beautiful colors. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I just became a follower.

My Army Brats and Me said...

Great work. Maybe you will wear one of my bracelets. I do not have anyone from Vegas:)

Lisa Marie said...

What a gorgeous bag and I'm glad I found your blog!

Vicki said...

What a wonderful bag! Congrats on 99 posts. I'm nowhere near that many. :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful bag, I love the polka dots!

jofridsquilt said...

A lovely give away. I have also become a follower on your blog. I hope I am the lucky one. Hugs Jofrid

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Great giveaway and lovely bag. Congrats on your 99th post!


Deborah in Atlanta said...

I'm also a follower.


JJ said...

great giveaway. I dont have a blog but I followed my sisters blog, bejeweled quilts, to here, so you have her to thank.

Nova said...

Oh, I love that fabric.

Jennifer said...

Congratulations on #99! Thanks for the giveaway, the bag is so cute :) (I also absolutely love the quilt in your banner!)


Diane H said...

Oh I love your giveaway! I'm off to find
your bag tutorial and that's such a cute pincushion. Thanks so much and congrats
on 99!

Joanne said...

Congratulations on 99 posts. I love the things you make, very talented! I will mention your blog on my blog. Thanks!

Pam said...

Congrats on 99 posts!!!

I follow you via Google Reader ...and have mentioned your giveaway on my blog.


Dresden Quilter said...

What gorgeous giveaways. Thank you so much.

Bridget B said...

Congratulations on your 100 th visiting your blog for ideas. I am a follower also. Thanks

Shooting Stars Mag said...

oh how cute. thanks! Congrats

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Deanna said...

Yea for a pincushion. I have been needing one and putting off making one and there is no way I would buy one so MAYBE I can be a lucky winner of one.

Mikol said...

Congrats on your number of posts! Thanks for the giveaways, they are so fun. I am now a follower. :)

Sherry Hogan said...

That is such a cute bag. I'm now a follower.

Off to spread the word!

Anonymous said...

I NEED this tote...lovely...Sharon J

qltmom9 said...

Oooo...PLEASE, draw "qltmom9", I would love to win such lovely gifts. Thank you for the chances to win and the tutorial. I am now a follower and glad to find you...although, I spent MUCH of my day reading all about you...nice.~
Thank you for your AMAZING blog.
Lucy (in IN)

diplofam said...

Always fun to try my luck at winning! Nice giveaways!

Nanbon44 said...

OH MY Such wonderful things you are giving away. I will keep my fingers crossed that I am one of the lucky winners....

Nanbon44 said...

I am also a follower

Brenda said...

Love the tote and the rest. I live out of totes! About your "made by you" pincushion (hope that's what you mean instead of ME)-- are you (were you once) a lacemaker? Can't tell from the picture, but way back when I was trying lace making I was taught that this was a traditional lacemaker's pinchushion (the triangular part of it), along with the lore that the corners are then held together as you have them by a pin holding the pincushion onto your lace pillow. Another bit of lace lore I learned was that you must always have a button fastened to your pincushion. Many of us made the pincushion by the (alert: technical word coming up) gobs and used the button to sew the two corners together.

I found you through a friend, so now I'll follow you, too. Sorry, tho, am not a blogger.

Bettina Groh said...

great prizes!! I'd love to win any of them!! Please enter me in your giveaway!

retdairyqueen said...

What lovely prizes
I have just found your Blog
Off to have a look now

Val Miller said...

Love the polka dots ... makes the bag so fun!

Mary Grace McNamara said...

Ooooh, I love bags, polda dots, corduroy, charm packs and pin cushions! The perfect giveaway! Congrats on reaching 100!

I have become a follower too!


Mandy Noble said...

Gorgeous give away, congrats on the 99th post, I have become a follower too.

Kim said...

Oh what a sweet giveaway!
thanks for a chance to win :0)

Unknown said...

Congrats on your 99th blog - My friend Barb from A Corgi to Quilt by has recommended that I come to your site and she was right. You have many interesting things to do and projects that are breath taking. Best of Luck!!(ps this is my first time on a blog and I am excited to be able to make a comment)

K said...

What a great giveaway! Congrats on your 99th post! I am a follower!!