over a year ago, i made some baby items for my bosses soon to be grandson. she has since left my work, but emailed me and said she has another grandson on the way and wanted me to make some baby things for her daughter! what a compliment! i made the above burp cloth using
THIS tutorial. i used flannel that matches her baby decor. I just cant get over how simple they are to make and i love the softness of the chenille and the flannel together.
i feel so bad, my old boss went to joanns and bought all the stuff i would need, not knowing how to work sales and coupons. i told her next time, pick me up and we will go together. she had some sticker shock and now realizes how expensive sewing can be.

isn't this caddy FUN? i found it on sale last weekend at michaels and had to have it for my desk. I'm always looking for my scissors, my seam ripper, my pencils...etc. now its all in one spot. its also heavy duty canvas. my DH came in later and i had to proudly show off my purchase. he says "wow, its just like a tool box". whatEVER. (but i think he is right)

one of my resolutions was to get organized. well, the bottom of my stairs always looks like this....stuff to take UP. on the advice of my aunt who lives here, i bought a basket. it is a GENIUS idea. thanks aunt pat for the tip!

my little helper is giving the thumbs up as he walks by and didn't even grab his stuff---typical.
Nice projects, and YES what a compliment!!!
By the way, my little helpers would walk by and not grab their stuff either...LOL
Soon you will need a MUCH larger basket! Been there, done that. Gave up.
Great idea! Just wish folks would take their own stuff up the stairs. I got my sister (who has stairs... I don't) a basket similar to this one... http://www.amazon.com/Chipwood-Stair-Basket-With-Handle/dp/B00110NAT6
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